Three Men and a Lady!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

I've been thinking........

Never be afraid to sit awhile and think.
~Lorraine Hansberry, A Raisin in the Sun

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Snips and Snails and .....WAR WOUNDS??!!!

Being the mother of boys I should probably take a course in first aid. My medicine cabinet should be stocked with Band-aids, Tylenol, and MelaGel. My freezer should house plenty of ice packs and my wallet should hold insurance cards. I should expect bumps, bruises, and the occasional blood. Boys will be boys after all. I cannot wrap my boys in bubble wrap and duct tape it wouldn't be "cool" and would make riding in a carseat impossible. Even though I wish I could I cannot always protect them.

Last night we went to Dom (Paul's older brother) and Sarah's house for dinner. Owen got to spend the evening playing with his cousins Griffin and Greta. He had a blast, since they are much more interactive than his 9-month-old brother. They watched a movie, threw around a ball and wrestled. Judging by the condition of Owen's face it was apparent it was in the carpet most of the time. He had a cut on his chin and red spots all around his left eye.

Paul and I made a trip to Sears this afternoon in search of clothes cleaning appliances. Although we love our boys dearly, we didn't think they (or us) would enjoy such a trip so we left them with our sister-in-law Sarah. We were gone an hour or so to return to a content baby, sleeping in his Godmother's arms and a 5-year-old with more cuts, more carpet burns and a huge smile on his face. Griffin was teaching Owen more wrestling moves and he had endured more facial abnormalities. He was so proud of his "war wounds" and the fact he had tried to pin his 9-year-old cousin.

I had to sigh and laugh. It was then and there I foresaw the future! It had became clear to me that 5 years from now this will be Owen and Easton. Maybe I should check into a softer carpeting for the living room floor. Sigh!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Just because you can fit it in your MOUTH does not mean it is edible!

To eat or not to eat? That is the question. Lint, plastic, paper, cardboard, combs, wooden spoons, Tupperware containers and Kleenex are not found in the food pyramid. Try to convince a 9 -month-old just because he can fit it in his mouth does not mean it is edible. We have an infant with an oral fixation. He hate nuks and the bottle, but loves remote controls and camera cords. While he enjoys bananas, sweet potatoes, chicken and blueberries he tries harder to feast upon books and newspapers. He is a vacuum, broom and Swifer-Wet-Jet rolled into one. He always leaves a little evidence behind in the form of slimy drool and since we don't own a St. Bernard we know who has manipulated the object with his mouth. Sure he likes carrots, cheerios, and pears but why not try a little dust bunny for fun.

I live in a constant state of fear, choking fear that is.......

"Where is Easton? What is in Easton's hand? What is in his mouth? Is he chewing on something? No, you cannot have that wipe for a snack, no your shoes are not teethers, let me look in your mouth. "


Owen is our "consumption cop" and reports most incidents before swallowing occurs. We try our hardest to pick up every speck of dust and never allow Owen to play with small toys while Easton is awake and moving. I never leave him alone in a room (unless he is asleep) and sometimes I duct tape him to the center of the living room to ensure he doesn't get ahold of anything he shouldn't have (only kidding).

For now we will continue to work on Easton's diet. Every night, at bedtime, we will pray he will grow out of this stage sooner then later. Sigh!

"How about tommorrow little man? For the sake of mommy's nerves.....tomorrow please!"

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Fuel for the Fatigued!

Dear Starbucks Venti Soy White Chocolate Mocha

I heart you!


The Momma up since 5am

Tuesdays with Mommy

I think Tuesday is my favorite day of the week! Well, most Tuesdays. You know the Tuesdays when everyone is happy, satisfied and has their listening ears on and turned up.

I don't work (a job I get paid for in $) on Tuesdays !!!!

No alarm goes off at 6 am, there is no sharing the bathroom with three other people, no standing in front of the closet praying I have at least one pair of clean scrubs and no rush to throw in the contacts. I love it, long for it and cherish it! My alarm is the boys laughter and our schedule consists of playing, cuddling, reading, and exploring. Sometime we stay in our jammies all day. We go to the library, run outside, have crazy eight tournaments and bake cookies. Tuesdays are the best! I wipe noses, kiss boo-boos, step on matchbox cars and nurse, a sometimes demanding, 9-month-old. We load up the mini van and venture to the grocery store where we choose the perfect "race car" cart to fill. I tell Owen to stop touching his baby brother while Easton cries and reaches out for my arms. After carefully choosing nutritious foods (which sometimes consists of picking the nearest item off the shelf just to get out of the store) we re-organize, gather our reusable bags filled with food, reload the van and go home. After unloading and restocking our shelves I play a game of Candyland, check my e-mail, change a blowout diaper, and throw in another load of laundry. By noon I began to fade and I wonder if I should allow myself more then one cup of coffee, but generally pass for fear the extra caffeine will make for a short night and a hyped up infant. Did I mention I love Tuesdays. Lunch is prepared, administered and cleaned up in time to read a book, take a fallen pencil away from the baby and step on a transformer. Tuesdays rock! The afternoon is soon upon us and consists of what we will call "Preferred Quiet Time," while I prefer it to be a time of rest, even better sleep, this doesn't always occur in the Korbel household. Generally, one child is wide awake only to fall asleep as the other is awaking. Between loads of laundry, dishes and making supper I take much needed breaks to build towers, wipe another nose, find a band aid and remove paper from the mouth of the baby. I love Tuesdays. Daddy arrives home and is greeted with hugs, kisses and reports from the day. Dinner is served and everyone is satisfied, temporarily! The sun sets baths are taken and I find myself as wet as the boys. Babies are nursed, books are read and prayers are said. By 8:30 I find myself wondering where the day has gone and wishing tomorrow was Tuesday again. I peak in on my sleeping angels and thank God for these exhausting and precious blessings in my life. I pray that one day Tuesday will occur everyday of the week and my sole employer will be my children.

For now, I will look forward to Mondays, a day disliked by most of the working force. I will celebrate Monday, for I know the next day is Tuesday and Tuesday is where I long to be!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Newest Korbel and the Shed that Papa Built!

Happy Sunday. Is it spring yet? I am tired of this cold, snow and constant wet sock from stepping in wet puddles that accumulate in my kitchen. I realize it has been 9 short months since my last post. I have lots of reasons for this though most of which I would say are legit.............


Easton John
8lb 12oz
20 1/4 inches
LOTS of black Hair

The Korbel Klan welcomed the newest member, Easton John, on May 7th at 12:07 am. (only two short days after posting he was never coming out). Now 9 months later and 12 pounds heavier our little brown-eyed babe is scaling furniture, crawling all over, sleeping 10 1/2 hours and showing off his one and only tooth! He is eating anything he can get in his mouth but still seems to enjoy snuggling with mommy and nursing.

Our Curious 9-month-old

Owen has fallen into the roll of big brother quite well. He is constantly watching out for his little brother. He loves to snuggle with Easton and make him laugh. He carries him to wherever his heart desires greatly dislikes it when he gets ahold of his toys.

I too have had some adjusting to do. It was very difficult for me to return to work after spending 12 AWESOME weeks home with my boys. While I do really enjoy my job we hope that soon we will have the means to allow me to stay at home full time. I just hope the boys are not in school before this is possible.

Owen, unbelievable as it sounds, has Kindergarten Open House next month. Our little farmer in the making will began school this fall. He is getting pretty excited and talks about doing homework and making new friends all the time. I am not sure though if he realizes what homework really is. His "homework" generally involves plowing the carpet, harvesting whatever is small enough to fit in his auger, building cars with Legos and lining up Tonka Trucks.

Papa Steve, who retired this past fall, has been busy with all sorts of projects. His latest brought happiness to our favorite 5-year-old and a resting place for all his equipment.

Papa: Do you like the shed I made you, it is just like Uncle Erik's!

Owen: It is not the same color, Eric's is silver......maybe you should have painted it Papa!

I think is got over the fact that wasn't silver quickly cause he wanted to sleep in it the other night. I didn't let him though because I feared inhaling varnish all night long was unhealthy.