Owen has this memory that never fails. He began reminiscing about our cat, Chloe, who passed away almost two years ago. He informed me that she would be returning in two weeks. I told him no, she had died and would not be coming back. He argued God would be making her better soon and she would be back for sure. I smiled and he asked me if they were just sleeping. I again said no Chloe is not just sleeping. His response was no, not Chloe but God, was he sleeping. No, I said God doesn't sleep he watches over us all the time. Owen thought for a moment and responded with......"Well doesn't he get cranky?"
Owen sang at church on Sunday. He loves the songs he learns and apparently felt it necessary to stand at the front of the church give the audience the "ROCK ON" sign and began singing. What can I say, he is his father's son. At least he thinks JESUS rocks!
I often wonder what Owen will be become when he grows up. This opinon changes on a daily basis. Wednesday, however, I was convinced he would be an OB/GYN. Maybe he has gone with me to too many appointments lately, I don't know. Apperantly, while at daycare, Owen and his friend Jayna were playing Dr. with the baby dolls. He showed Jayna all the body parts on the babies calling them by their correct names. He didn't even hesitate to inform her of the difference between males and females. Oh, my! I hope she didn't suprise her parents last night with her new knowledge.