I think
Tuesday is my favorite day of the week! Well, most
Tuesdays. You know the
Tuesdays when everyone is happy, satisfied and has their listening ears on and turned up.
I don't work (a job I get paid for in $) on Tuesdays !!!!
No alarm goes off at 6 am, there is no sharing the bathroom with three other people, no standing in front of the closet praying I have at least one pair of clean scrubs and no rush to throw in the contacts. I love it, long for it and cherish it! My alarm is the boys laughter and our schedule consists of playing, cuddling, reading, and exploring. Sometime we stay in our jammies all day. We go to the library, run outside, have crazy eight tournaments and bake cookies.
Tuesdays are the best! I wipe noses, kiss boo-boos, step on matchbox cars and nurse, a sometimes demanding, 9-month-old. We load up the mini van and venture to the grocery store where we choose the perfect "race car" cart to fill. I tell Owen to stop touching his baby brother while Easton cries and reaches out for m

y arms. After carefully choosing nutritious foods (which sometimes consists of picking the nearest item off the shelf just to get out of the store) we re-organize, gather our reusable bags filled with food, reload the van and go home. After unloading and restocking our shelves I play a game of Candyland, check my e-mail, change a blowout diaper, and throw in another load of laundry. By noon I began to fade and I wonder if I should allow myself more then one cup of coffee, but generally pass for fear the extra caffeine will make for a short night and a hyped up infant.
Did I mention I love Tuesdays. Lunch is prepared, administered and cleaned up in time to read a book, take a fallen pencil away from the baby and step on a transformer.
Tuesdays rock! The afternoon is soon upon us and consists of what we will call "Preferred Quiet Time," while I prefer it to be a time of rest, even better sleep, this doesn't always occur in the Korbel household. Generally, one child is wide awake only to fall asleep as the other is awaking. Between loads of laundry, dishes and making supper

I take much needed breaks to build towers, wipe another nose, find a band aid and remove paper from the mouth of the baby.
I love Tuesdays. Daddy arrives home and is greeted with hugs, kisses and reports from the day. Dinner is served and everyone is satisfied, temporarily! The sun sets baths are taken and I find myself as wet as the boys. Babies are nursed, books are read and prayers are said. By 8:30 I find myself wondering where the day has gone and wishing tomorrow was
Tuesday again. I peak in on my sleeping angels and thank God for these exhausting and precious blessings in my life. I pray that one day
Tuesday will occur everyday of the week and my sole employer will be my children.
For now, I will look forward to Mondays, a day disliked by most of the working force. I will celebrate Monday, for I know the next day is Tuesday and Tuesday is where I long to be!