Three Men and a Lady!

Monday, June 21, 2010

7 years ago today....

we joined hands in Holy Matrimony.  The last seven years have blessed us with so many things including two beautiful children.   There have been many moments of shear happiness, amongst some times of trial and sorrow.  We have celebrated together, laughed together, cried together,  and pulled together.  We have disagreed with one another, agreed with one another and shared with one another.  My life with this man has been blissful.  I truly am blessed to be loved by him.  Happy 7th Anniversary Paul.  I love you and look forward to the years to come.

Don't marry the person you think you can live with; marry only the individual you think you can't live without. ~James C. Dobson

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


Owen and Easton LOVE to dance.  Go Fish is the music of choice these days in our household.  If you are not familiar with the GoFish Guys check them out at  These three guys (also dads) make some incredible Christian music for kids that even us parents enjoy and sing along to.  They have several CD's, DVD's and even a Bible School Program produced.  We are looking forward to their next CD due to come out this August!

Here is Owen perfecting his moves to the song, "American Kid."

Dancing faces you towards Heaven, whichever direction you turn. ~Terri Guillemets

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Private School

It is official. Owen will attend private school this fall.  The decision to send our eldest to Catholic School did not come lightly.  First and foremost we are Lutheran.  Paul grew up as a non-practicing  Catholic boy. I grew up in a small Lutheran church with a great deal of Norwegian influences.  In 2003 we were married Lutheran. Paul converted and was confirmed Lutheran.  We joined a small Lutheran church here in Owatonna, and both of our little blessings were baptized Lutheran.  We attend Lutheran church on a regular basis, I serve on the Lutheran Sunday School Board, Paul ushers in our Lutheran Parish and Owen attends Sunday School at our Lutheran church.  Lots of "lutefisk loving" Lutheran uh?

This spring we attended an open house at the local public elementary school and I left feeling somewhat disappointed.   While I found the the meeting to be very well presented I was shocked to hear there would be approximately 30 kids in his Kindergarten classroom. I was nervous to hear he would have to change buses two times to get to daycare and I was floored when I walked in the building and saw the "Welcome" sign in 5 languages with English listed last.  I hate to get political but wasn't this "melting pot" of a country founded on Christianity and our ancestors forced to learn the language to survive.

I happened to be working a Saturday morning when a woman who teaches at our local Catholic school came in for care. We began talking and I expressed to her my concerns with public school and the values I wanted Owen to embrace in the upcoming years of his education. (Don't get me wrong both Paul and I completed our education in the public school system and we turned out just fine.) She suggested I check out St. Mary's sometime soon.  She simply stated if this was the right choice for me then I would walk away from the tour knowing what I wanted.   I thought about it for several days and called the school to set up a meeting.  Owen and I meet with the principal one Tuesday morning and from the time I walked threw the school door I felt something.  The environment was warm, friendly and there was evidence of the presence of God splashed threw out the hallways. 

My first question to the principal was, "We are not Catholic, is that OK?"  She smiled at me and said, "that does not matter to us."  We toured the school, got to meet some staff and watched the teachers and children interacting.  I walked away convinced this was where Owen needed to go. 

Yes, private school comes with a price tag and because we are not Catholic it will cost us more money.  We were blessed enough to get some finical aid and the rest, well we trust God will provide.  As for Owen, he will began his Christian education journey this fall and we his parents are confident this experience will enrich all our lives. 

Monday, June 7, 2010

What is a little boy?

A boy is truth with dirt on its face, beauty with a cut on its finger, wisdom with bubble gum in its hair, and the hope of the future with a frog in its pocket.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Making Memories

It was a nearly perfect Memorial Day weekend. We left Saturday morning for the lake and besides a little sunburn (mommy) and a nap deprived one-year-old (Easton) our time there was priceless.  Thank-you Papa and Mimi!

Here are a few learning moments captured on film:

When Owen says he has a big fish on the line, believe him.

Wear clothes that easily dry when you take Easton swimming, he loves to splash.

There can never be too many drives to help Papa navigate the boat.

The best entertainment is FREE and manufactured by GOD!

It is nearly impossible to get a family photo with everyone looking.

You don't have bring you children on a fancy vacation to make a beautiful memory.

Summ-summ- Summertime.

We hit a record high here in Steele County.  It was a whopping 93 degrees on the thermometer.   It is hard to believe it snowed on Easton's birthday just a few short weeks ago.  

Here are a few reasons why our family loves summer:

Daylight lasts until 9pm.
Bike rides.
Ball in the backyard.
Fresh garden herbs and veggies.
Fresh cut flowers.
Boat rides.
Fires and s'mores.
The smell of sunscreen.
The smell of fresh cut grass.
Pedicures (mommy only)

Welcome summer, please stay a while!