2011 may have not have started out as we had planned, but things are looking up for sure.
We took advantage of the -24 degree weather this weekend and ventured over to Rochester to stock up at Trader Joe's (yes, there is finally one less than an hour from our home). From there, we headed to the north side of town and spent two glorious (and free) hours discovering at the Quarry Hill Nature Center: http://qhnc.org/about.html . If you have never explored there, I HIGHLY recommend checking it out. Best of all it is completely free entertainment. It kept my BUSY boys entertained and begging to stay when we announced it was time to go. Had the weather been above ZERO, we may have considered a little snow shoeing.
Here are a few highlights from our day:

I am finding it to be difficult to keep two boys occupied during these long, dark, cold winter days. Places like Quarry Hill (which did I mention is FREE) is just what the doctor ordered.
In addition to traveling, we are finding some entertainment right here in our very own house. I call it "Extreme Dining Room Bowling". Owen got the coolest gift from his Uncle (and Godfather) Mark's family for his birthday. A bowling set. The ball and pins are made to size and plastic (thank-you) so there is less room for damages. We have been incorporating this event into our nightly routine and the boys think its a hoot (mommy and daddy are having fun too). All we do is push aside our dining room table and PRESTO Korbel Klan Lanes is open for business. Both boys have managed to throw a strike or two (sometimes standing a foot away!). It's entertainment and I am still laughing as nothing or no one has been broken yet.
Saturday Owen completed his third session of archery (A post will soon follow if I ever remember to bring ALL my camera equipment). He is loving it and and is asking daily for a bow&arrow. We told him to direct this question to Papa (haha). It amazes me how much he has learned and improved in three short weeks. He is becoming more disciplined and accurate with each shot. In fact, he showed off a little and nailed all 5 of his last arrows in the kill spot on the goose target this past Saturday. I think he was showing off for mom a little. I was pretty proud. I always imagined myself at dance recitals and gymnastic meets, but am finding this "MOM of boys" thing is pretty COOL.
To keep the "girlyness" in my life, I took up another craft.
I have been making these applique shirts as gifts and hope to do a post on them soon. I was pretty shocked to see other people were interested in them too and decided to take orders. If you are looking for a unique gift email me at lisa_marie_t@hotmail.com . I am selling them for $10-15 depending on size and fabric. Lots of ideas brewing in my head!!!!
As you can see we are doing our best to get through these frigid winter days. Stay tuned to next week as we got new snowshoes and are excited to try them out. Pray for no doctor visits to follow!!!
Boy does O-Diggity look like you in that last photo.