I just finished "Choosing to See" and passed it on to a dear friend. Remarkable story of sorrow, faith, loss and a mother's love. Grab a tissue (or 100) this book WILL make you cry. It will also enrich your faith and cause you to want to hug your kids every moment you can. The day I finished Mary Beth Chapman's book my next read arrived in the mail. "Her Mother's Hope" is another great read by one of my favorite authors, Francine Rivers. I am about half done and excited to read the next book in this new series.

I am training to walk a half marathon with my lovely mom this May. This guide is a great resource for any questions that I have had along the way!
Paul is reading this:

Must be good cause my tired, overworked husband has been reading most nights before he goes to bed!
The boys continue to be interested in any book that has sharks, snakes, trucks or dinosaurs! Definitely boys I tell you. I don't mind though it give me plenty of cuddle time every night.
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