Three Men and a Lady!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Goodbye Summer

Goodbye to.....flip-flops, sweaty walks, iced-coffee, baseball gloves, life jackets, bug spray, sun block, campfires, s’mores, sand in “unders”, sunsets after "bedtime", the smell of BBQ, lightening bugs, fresh cut grass, pulling weeds, wildflowers, rock skipping.....summer.

Goodbye to the most precious, memorable summer I have had as a mother. Praise God for the moments I had with my sweet boys.

Welcome....crisp mornings, fall colors, autumn hikes, school days, spiced-pumpkin lattes, leaf- pile jumping, pumpkin picking, squash tasting...fall.

I cannot wait to experience this next season of our lives. We are blessed.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

It is hard to believe I haven't posted on this blog in 6 months.  Honestly, I don't know where the time has gone.  The Korbel Klan has gone through some rather large changes since I last updated you all. 

Last fall, I made a pretty tough decision.  I decided to quit my full-time job and stay home with my boys.  Paul and I discussed this idea at length for almost a year before I actually gave my notice.  I prayed about it, talked about it, "slept on it", dreamt about it and finally, I did it.  December 30th was my last day at McGregor Chiropractic  I officially hung up my scrubs and SOAP notes for crayons and trains!

The biggest concern for our little family was income.  We were used to me having a steady paycheck.  Sometimes God gives you signs, big bright billboard signs.  About the time I was doing all my praying, thinking and dreaming our daycare provider was doing the same thing.  She was really considering going back to school.  While we were really sad to say goodbye to such a wonderful woman who cared for our babies, we were thrilled she was following her dreams. 
So here is where the "sign" came in:
- I, being a slightly crazy mom, didn't want to go through the whole "finding a new daycare" process (and honestly no one would be "as good as Sara"). 
-I needed a little income to buy groceries and gas. 
-Sara had families with little blessing that needed care.

If there is such thing as a "light bulb" moment, I had it.  Why not offer daycare in my home?  I loved teaching and well crafts and playing, that is a bonus. 

So that is when, There's No Place Like Home daycare was born and my heart got 5 blessings bigger.  TNPLH is currently the second home to four families and five little munchkins.  We play, learn, pray, discover and wipe noses four days a week.

I have to be honest.  In the beginning, I kind of wondered what I had gotten myself into.  Easton struggled, he really struggled so I struggled.  It is hard to open your house, your possessions and yourself sometimes. But, we got through it, we survived and we are beyond happy!

I cannot express how wonderful it feels to be spending my days at home with my children (and a couple other cuties).  I get to drop Owen off at school.  I get to pick him up from school.  I get laundry done before 10pm,  supper is homemade, my floors are clean (most of the time), I don't miss school functions (I even have gotten to volunteer at some) and our family actually eats together every night.  I am there for the moments.  The homework time, bath time, and the after school snack time.  I refuse to take any of these moments for granted because for the last 6 years, I missed a whole lot of them.

I feel blessed.  Even in moments of trial, I feel blessed.  At the beginning of May our sub pump failed, flooding our basement. The next day our my third child (my camera) got destroyed in the rain.  Several days later our air went out in our van.  Stress was heightened and tension tried to set in.  The truth is, these are replaceable things.  Minuscule possessions and luxuries in life really.  Moments, those we share with the ones we love, they cannot be replaced.  I am so grateful and downright blessed for these moments I have prayed for, for so long. God is awesome!