Three Men and a Lady!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Summer, swimming and swarms of 'Sqitos!

Our 4th of July weekend was well, interesting.  Thursday kicked off the chaotic timeline of events.  The boys both came down with a nasty stomach flu that knocked them out for 3 entire days.  In addition to vomiting, extreme exhaustion and irritability; Easton was diagnosed with a double ear infection.   Blessed we are to have our Mimi.  She watched the boys on Thursday and Friday healing them with her special hugs and cuddles. Unfortunately, Owen began vomiting again Friday night and our weekend, meant to be spent at the lake, was looking more like spent on the couch.  Fortunately, by Saturday he was feeling much better and after plenty of liquids and rest he was back to himself by nightfall.

Sunday we packed up the groceries, the van, and two wild little boys and headed eastbound for the camper.  Halfway to our destination we hit rain and it looked like our already dampened weekend may get more soggy. 
It is a good thing campers come with awnings.  It provided us with not only protection from the rain but entertainment for the boys.  Easton found the water pouring off the corner to be delightful and he screamed when we made him put on dry clothes.

By early afternoon the clouds cleared and we headed to the beach for some swimming time.  It appears Easton will enjoy the water as much as his older brother.  Owen loved trying out his new water toys and mommy got soaking wet.

We had a little time and daylight to kill before fireworks so Papa took us out fishing.  Owen was at home pulling in the crappies that were biting like crazy.  Needless to say, we ate fresh fish for supper.

Mommy may have gotten carried away capturing the moments.  "ENOUGH ALREADY MOM!"

The fireworks were beautiful exploding over the lake and the boys "ooooo's and ahhhh's" were proof of a practically perfect evening.  The best part of the entire weekend....NO BUGS..........

or so we thought.

We arrived home Monday afternoon where Owen was brutally attacked by a mosquito.  The little bugger got him right near the eye.  He awoke Tuesday morning so swollen in the face he could not see out of his left eye.  The swelling traveled into his cheek, forehead and across his nose.  I did not get a picture of him at his worst, but as you can see he wasn't too happy.

One ER visit later; full of IV antibiotics, predisone, and antihistamines, the swelling came down.  Pretty scary for a 5-year-old!  Lucky for us Mimi came to our rescue again.  He spent the day spoiled, cuddled and content.  We love her lots!   So ends our 4th of July weekend.  Praying next year will be a little less eventful.

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