Three Men and a Lady!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Lists of life!

Summer is coming to an end, too quickly, in my opinion.  Yesterday began a 14-day stretch of pure and udder craziness in our little families schedule. 

The calender marks many events from extra work days (BOOOOO) to family reunions :), doctor appointments, church meetings, celebrations of life, up-coming county fairs and a not so lovely birthday.
I just hope I don't forget to take out the garbage, pay daycare, pick up laundry detergent and buy groceries. 

Uggg, while many of these things with be filled with memories, hugs and laughter I can't help but wish for a simple moment cuddling in bed with my three favorite humans and "Goodnight Moon." 

I have lists everywhere tonight.  Little reminders of what I need to do, bring, and buy this week.  I am not used to working this much and it has began to take its toll.   I will trust this is only temporary and by the end of these 14 days I will be back to my "old (older) self". 

I am feeling slightly overwhelmed, exhausted and edgy.  I hope rest tonight will calm me.  I am unsure if my emotions are related to being worn out or if my deep yearning to be a stay-at-home mom is surfacing at a rapid rate.  I don't know what the future holds, but I will wait patiently with hope that God has bigger plans for us and they will soon be reveled. 

As for me I need to put away the lists, close my eyes and listen to the beautiful sound of the rain falling outside.  Tomorrow will be here before I know it and with it a list of things to be accomplished.

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