Three Men and a Lady!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Gracefully turning 30!

I turned thirty today.  Gracefully.   So maybe I have found a few gray hairs, maybe I began using anti-aging cream as part of my daily routine,  and maybe nursing, pregnancy and gravity have taken their toll on my body.  I may run to the bathroom a little faster after a good laugh (or sneeze), I might stretch a little after a long car ride, and I probably don't stay up much later then 10.  I find myself shaking my head at the clothing kids now-a-days wear and wonder why they call the songs on their iPods music.  I would rather spend my Friday night playing board games with my kids then going out on the town.  I have become a wife and mother much like the one who raised me.

So yes, I have gotten older but the last thirty years have played an important role in the woman I am today.

In the last thirty years I have:

1.Been Baptized
2. Got a sister
3.Argued with my parents
4. Been Confirmed
5. Broke bones
6. Got stitches
7.Graduated from grade school, junior high and high school
8.Babysat many children
9.Got my first job
10.Been to 20 states
11.Traveled to Mexico 2 times
12.Got a drivers license
13.Graduated from college
14.Bought my first car
15.Got my first boyfriend, first kiss and had my heart broken
16.Made many friends
17.Lost loved ones
18.Bought my first car
19.Moved several times
20. Fell in love
21.Got engaged
22. Got married (one of the most important,  life changing blessings I have experienced)
23.Bought my first home
24. Payed my first bill
25. Got my first "grown-up" job
26. Rode on my first airplane
27. Grown
28. Joined a church
29. Taught bible school
30. and my biggest accomplishment experienced pregnancy and birth bringing two beautiful children into the world

Each year has brought new memories, joys and sometimes sorrow.  Each day has had it's share of blessings and tribulations.  As I gracefully embark on another decade of life I look back at the journey I have made and look forward on the road ahead of me.  Here is to turning thirty today!  Gracefully.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! Turning 30 is a big blessing! :) And what another wonderful year it will be!!
