Three Men and a Lady!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This boy can eat!!!!!

I cannot believe how much food my 24 pound, almost 2-year-old can consume.

Today's Menu(s) included:

Breakfast:  2 bowls of Toasty O's (Trader Joe's version of Cheerios) with almond milk
                 1 cup almond milk
                 handful of blueberries
                 Trader Joe's granola bar

AM Snack:  1 handful of Annie's Sour Cream and Onion Bunnies
                    Snapea Dried Peas
                    sample of banana chips, ginger snaps and juice at Trader Joe's

Lunch:  Panera BP &J sandwich
             Soy milk
             Dessert: 1 scoop cotton candy ice cream from Cold Stone

PM Snack (s):   1 handful blueberries
                         1 apple
                         banana chips
                        Annie's Bunny Grahams
                        Pb & J Crackers (3 small)

Supper:   Whole wheat fish taco with cheese, lettuce, and orange peppers
               1 bite of a brussel sprout
               1 cup almond milk

Bedtime Snack:  Pirate booty white puffcorn
                          1 cup chocolate almond milk

Not to mention about an additional 4 cups of water

I am scared to see what it is going to be like in the teenage years.  I see lots of $$$ signs now!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! I thought Kaia ate a lot, but not compared to him! :) You will definitely be going through lots of food in the coming years!

    Also...I think we are going to keep our single BOB, but I'll let you know if we change our mind. It's our only single stroller, so I think we will probably still get some use out of it. Good luck with the search, though. I think you can get some good deals on the 2010 models right now. That's what we found for our double!
